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Five Years of TRON (TRX): Introducing the “Metaverse Free Port” Concept

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Five Years of TRON (TRX): Introducing the “Metaverse Free Port” Concept



  • on June 25, 2023, the significant date that marks the five-year anniversary of TRON’s MainNet launch, a prominent blockchain platform.
  • TRON DAO has stated its future goal of the blockchain becoming “a free port within the metaverse.”
  • The organization intends to support projects like the USDD stablecoin to further its commitment to decentralization.

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the TRON MainNet’s launch. The TRON community has been reflecting on the journey thus far and planning for the future to mark the milestone.

The TRON DAO announced a new goal for the project in a special blog post: to create an unrestricted port in the metaverse.”



Key Milestones Achieved as TRON Turns Five

The TRON network has been used for a wide range of purposes over the course of its five-year existence. Additionally, the TRON ecosystem now houses a variety of DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and Digital Identity (DID) projects in addition to supporting multiple use cases.

The TRON DAO asserts that the blockchain has exceeded 168 million users due to its sufficient success. Meanwhile, Nansen data shows that TRON’s network activity is significantly higher than Ethereum’s. While the previous consistently works with north of 10 million exchanges each day, the last option covers out at around 1 million.

Stablecoins are one area in which the TRON network has been particularly successful. For instance, TRON houses more USDT belonging to Tether than any other chain. Additionally, the aggregate value of all stablecoins on the blockchain reached more than $40 billion USD in March.



What Could TRON’s Metaverse Free Port Look Like?

Looking ahead to the future, the TRON DAO has stated its intention for the blockchain to evolve into a “metaverse free port.” But what exactly does that mean?

Traditionally, the term “free port” refers to ports that have been specifically designated to receive tax breaks and preferential customs regulations. By removing trade barriers, they are meant to boost growth.

Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, recently gave a speech at its annual conference in Switzerland about his idea for a free port in the metaverse.

Sun stated to an audience in Geneva, “The future of TRON will be a vibrant blue ocean full of opportunities where finance can be accessible to everyone in the world.” He then reaffirmed the TRON DAO’s guiding principles and emphasized its dedication to decentralization.








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The Rewards and Risks of Decentralization

The premise of TRON’s metaverse free port is straightforward. The technology’s proponents contend that it can facilitate financial inclusion. Additionally, they argue that increased decentralization will enable users to circumvent traditional finance’s institutional guardians.

For instance, the USDD stablecoin is supported by the TRON DAO. USDD, like its peer Dai, a decentralized stablecoin, is secured by a variety of crypto assets. BTC, TRX, and other stablecoins pegged to the dollar are examples of this.

The USDD would not rely on any centralized institutions for redemption, management, or storage, according to the TRON DAO at the time of its launch last year.

However, this doesn’t mean that the token doesn’t have its critics.

After Terra’s collapse, many people are skeptical of algorithmic stablecoins. Additionally, USDD has repeatedly been in danger of losing its dollar peg over the past year.

Naturally, the USDD team has boasted a collateral ratio greater than 200 percent. Additionally, proponents of the token contend that excessive collateralization can prevent significant deviations from dollar parity. However, the fact that a significant portion of this is in TRX has raised concerns that, in the event that TRX’s price falls, the stablecoin could enter a death spiral similar to Terra.

The tenets upon which the project was founded continue to propel TRON forward as it enters its sixth year. The USDD and other decentralization initiatives’ success or failure will have repercussions for the direction of the cryptocurrency industry as a whole in the future.



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