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Tag: MakerDAO

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MakerDAO DAI Stablecoin Supply Rises by Nearly $1B in Seven Days

In short MakerDAO’s decentralized stablecoin DAI’s inventory has ascended by almost $1 billion after the presentation of an expanded financing cost. Be that as it may, DAI’s expanded reception didn’t emphatically affect MakerDao’s MKR administration token, dropping 1.24% in the previous week. Contest in the stablecoin market has expanded over the course of the last…
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MakerDAO intends to more than double the rate of DAI savings

The DSR increment might bring about an expansion in the getting rates for stablecoins all through the DeFi environment assuming the new proposition is supported. In December 2022, the decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol MakerDAO raised its DAI savings rate (DSR) to one percent. MakerDAO reports that within a month, more than 35 million DAI were…
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