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Why Reddit Moderators Are Protesting and How Crypto Communities Are Supporting Them

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Why Reddit Moderators Are Protesting and How Crypto Communities Are Supporting Them



  • volunteer moderators on Reddit have voiced their opposition to the planned API changes.
  • Several of the platform’s crypto subreddits gave the uproar a lot of support.
  • Reddit is going to implement the controversial changes on July 1 despite opposition.

The renowned “front page of the internet,” Reddit, is currently in turmoil. Thousands of communities and the moderators of the online platform are uniting in opposition to planned changes to the site’s data access policy.

This critical move has grabbed the eye of Reddit’s huge cryptographic money networks, bringing about a far-fetched union between the two divergent elements.



Reddit Moderators Protest Against API Changes

Through the establishment of numerous subreddits, Reddit has become a well-known social media platform. These forums are run by volunteer moderators who each focus on a different subject. However, there are now potential threats to this democratic governance model that exemplifies the internet’s freedom ethos.

More than 7,000 subreddits went private between June 12 and June 14 as a result of protests at Reddit. Subreddits like r/music, r/gaming, r/science, and r/todayilearned are examples of these larger subreddits. The core of the issue lies in Reddit’s choice to begin charging outsider designers for admittance to its Application Programming Connection point (Programming interface).

Apollo’s creator, Christian Selig, claims that developers would be required to pay $12,000 for each 50 million API requests. So, under this new plan, running his popular third-party browsing app could cost more than $20 million per year.

Numerous engineers likewise see the drive as the finish of outsider applications that have gotten to the stage’s information for nothing .


“You’re potentially looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills I would get from Reddit for people that I couldn’t make a single more dollar off of because they already paid my old operating costs. And that’s where it gets really tricky,” affirmed Selig.

Additionally, the problem with removing third-party applications is that they are necessary for providing accessibility features. Disabled moderators rely heavily on these features. In any case, Reddit has guaranteed that it will improve its local availability functionalities.

The organization explained that outsider applications principally produced for clients with incapacities would be conceded a special case from the precarious Programming interface charges. However, many moderators on Reddit are dissatisfied.

“A multibillion-dollar corporation forcing disabled people (including the profoundly disabled) to simply “learn new tools,” and to stop using the accessibility tools they’re used to – the tools they depend on – to access/moderate the communities they depend on – is cruel,”  wrote PotRoastPotato.



Crypto Subreddits Join the Protests in Solidarity

One of the significant main impetuses behind Reddit’s choice is the likely worth of its information for generative artificial intelligence. Reddit has data that could become a gold mine for AI algorithms because it serves as a platform where everything on the internet gathers and receives regular updates.

Despite this, developers contend that Reddit is eliminating third-party apps, which led to a widespread protest by subreddit moderators. The substantial support that the protests have received from crypto communities adds an interesting dimension to the narrative. The blackout was joined by crypto-focused subreddits like r/cryptocurrency, r/bitcoin, and r/ethereum. These subreddits went private or moved to peruse just close by around 7,000 different networks.

In any case, not all crypto-related subreddits took part in the power outage. Subreddits like r/altcoin, r/NFT, and r/dogecoin remained fully accessible, providing crypto enthusiasts with a venue on which to carry on their discussions.

The power outage has prompted a change in the web-based talk, with numerous Reddit clients moving to Twitter and decentralized Twitter options like Bluesky and Nostr.

A lot of crypto enthusiasts and NFT projects have found homes on Discord’s social messaging platform, which has also seen a surge in activity. During the Reddit blackout, for instance, a Discord server called r/CryptoCurrency has seen a significant increase in users.







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Reddit API Changes Go Live on July 1

The backlash has prompted Reddit CEO Steve Huffman to consider altering the site’s content moderator removal policy. The objective is to let regular users vote out moderators if their choices don’t go over well.

“If you’re a politician or a business owner, you are accountable to your constituents. So a politician needs to be elected, and a business owner can be fired by its shareholders. And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic,” said Huffman.

However, his remarks have been met with even more skepticism. Some see it as a threat, as evidenced by a statement from the moderators of r/gaming​​.

“Our entire community is supporting us against this change. It feels good to be able to have the power to say: ‘We will not continue to moderate our communities if you push these changes through.’ If it’s almost the entire website, would they destroy what they’ve built up in all these communities, just to push through this highly unpopular change that both the mods and users of Reddit are overwhelmingly against?,” said one Reddit moderator.

Despite the ongoing debate, Reddit released a full roadmap of the upcoming changes. Titled “Accessibility Updates to Mod Tools: Part 1,” it details that changes will begin on July 1.

Still, the social media giant promised to share another update on June 30.

  • How mods access Moderation tools (by July 1)
  • ModQueue (view, action posts, and comments, filter and sort content, add removal reasons, and bulk action items) (by July 1)
  • ModMail (inbox, read, reply to messages, create new mail, private mod note) (by July 1)
  • User Settings (manage mods, approved users, muted users, banned users) (by July 1)
  • Community Settings (late July)
  • Ban Evasion Settings (late July)
  • Additional User Settings (late July)
  • Remaining mod surfaces (August)

Third-party apps and AI in the ecosystem of Reddit are the subject of heated debate as the conflict between moderators and Reddit continues. The crypto networks’ help highlights Reddit’s significance as a space for basic digital currency conversations.


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