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According to Arthur Hayes, Bitcoin Will Be the Currency for Artificial Intelligence

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According to Arthur Hayes, Bitcoin Will Be the Currency for Artificial Intelligence



  • Arthur Hayes predicts that Bitcoin will become the AI currency of choice because it is digital and automated.
  • He contends that Bitcoin’s energy purchasing power and resistance to censorship make it ideal for AI.
  • Depending on the size of the AI market, Hayes’s model predicts that Bitcoin could cost anywhere from $65,000 to $760,000.

A bold prediction regarding the future of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence has been made by Arthur Hayes, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency industry.

Hayes asserts that the cryptocurrency of choice for artificial intelligence (AI) will soon be Bitcoin. His contention draws upon the innate qualities of Bitcoin. It in a perfect world suits the expected necessities and functional mechanics of man-made intelligence.







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AI Needs an Efficient Payment System

The need for AI entities to interact with the economic ecosystem is at the heart of Hayes’s argument. This is an idea he presents through the speculative “PoetAI,” a substance that makes lovely verse from regular language prompts.

This model consumes an immense information and energy diet of past verse to learn and develop and charges an expense for its administrations. As a result, it necessitates a reliable, effective, and efficient payment method.

The prerequisites of such an installment framework are rigid. For example, it should be computerized, robotized, and accessible nonstop, without the limits of geology or banking hours.

Hayes says that these requirements can’t be met by the traditional banking system or by a digital layer like PayPal because of its reliance on banks and vulnerability to censorship.

Hayes states that just a blockchain-based framework, insusceptible to inconsistent rule changes and deplatforming, would get the job done. He further narrows his selection of blockchain-powered currencies to Bitcoin, citing the digital nature, censorship resistance, and scarcity of the cryptocurrency.



The Energy-Powered Currency for AI

The food of a computer based intelligence element relies upon two basic assets: information and process power, the two of which eventually mean the utilization of power.

According to Hayes, an AI must also generate more value than it consumes in energy. Accordingly, the money a computer based intelligence would acknowledge ought to keep up with its buying influence comparative with the expense of power.

Three factors underpin Hayes’ case for Bitcoin as the AI currency: power to purchase energy, resistance to digital censorship, and scarcity. Bitcoin beats gold and fiat concerning shortage and oversight obstruction.

In contrast to gold and fiat currencies, Bitcoin’s value is intrinsically linked to electricity costs.

In the speculative computer based intelligence choice tree, Bitcoin arises as the reasonable decision. To be sure, it satisfies the models of being carefully oversight safe, keeping up with esteem comparative with power, and being provably scant.

With a lifespan potentially outlasting human civilization, an AI would need a currency with proven longevity that does not rely on human institutions.



Bitcoin (BTC) Price Predictions

The focus of Hayes’ vision is on two manias at the same time. To start with, financial backers’ journey for a getaway from fiat expansion. Furthermore, second, the craving to exploit the consolidation of human and simulated intelligence progress.

According to Hayes, growth investment enthusiasm may reach its zenith between 2025 and 2026. His prescient model layouts the expected results of Bitcoin’s, still up in the air by the size of the artificial intelligence economy.

He makes three hypotheses: median, low, and mania. The Bitcoin market cap to daily transaction value can rise from 8x to 172x with AI’s share of global GDP ranging from 5 percent to 50 percent. This means the cost of Bitcoin going from $64,934.51 to $760,591.96.

The results reveal staggering potential increases in Bitcoin’s price. Indeed, it forecasts a future where Bitcoin might experience unprecedented growth.



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