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Through a16z’s “Cicada,” Ethereum gets a private on-chain voting tool

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Through a16z’s “Cicada,” Ethereum gets a private on-chain voting tool


Disclosing Cicada, the confidential on-chain casting a ballot instrument for Ethereum designers, and its down changing potential utilizing time-lock puzzles.

“Cicada,” a new private, on-chain voting tool for Ethereum developers, was announced by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z).

In a blog entry, a16z engineer Michael Zhu recognized existing on-chain casting a ballot includes yet noticed that a large number of those frameworks are completely open and straightforward.



Running tally privacy

Cicada addresses issues associated with public voting, such as vote manipulation and improper voter incentivization, by providing private voting.

Cicada provides running tally privacy by concealing the number of votes cast for each option until the vote is over. Time-lock puzzles, which hide individual votes for a predetermined amount of time, and homomorphic time-lock puzzles, which combine the other puzzles to hide the total, underpin this strategy.

Zhu stated that zero-knowledge group membership proofs could be added to Cicada to use it for voter anonymity and ballot privacy.

Cicada is a Robustness library, meaning it is viable with the programming language utilized in Ethereum shrewd agreements. Zhu stated that the library can be utilized on Ethereum’s mainnet (as opposed to layer 2 networks) with sufficient efficiency.







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Real-world use not recommended

On Twitter, Zhu acknowledged that on-chain voting is not yet “ready for high-stakes real-world use cases,” but he expressed optimism about the future.

In the meantime, many blockchain projects have governance mechanisms that rely on voting on the blockchain. On-chain governance, for instance, is used by Uniswap and other DeFi platforms to select which blockchains to deploy to, while on-chain voting is used by Maker, a stablecoin project, to make decisions regarding its reserves and other matters.




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